What the Name Kinga Means

What the Name Kinga Means

Meaning of the name Kinga

The name Kinga is very popular in Poland and has several meanings. It is most often associated with a queen, which means that the person bearing this name is strong, courageous and fearless. Its origin can be traced to the Old English word "cyning," which meant "king." The name Kinga can also be an abbreviation for names such as Christina or Constance. In either case, it signifies strength and power and pride in who you are.

Kinga is also a Christian name, which comes from the Hebrew word "Kinnor" or the Greek word "Kyrie," both meaning "Lord." This means that the person bearing this name has a strong character and a humble attitude towards God. The name Kinga also symbolizes love and devotion to others and a willingness to offer one's time and energy to loved ones.

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